Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Brilliant Ad

I came across this article in one of the blogs.

Chevrolet created havoc with its 20-foot billboard advert made entirely from one-pence coins in London’s New Oxford Street. The unique billboard that consisted of 20,000 pennies was created to advertise the 769,500-pence starting price of the new Aveo. Understandably, it didn’t take long for hundreds of opportunistic by passers to strip it clean. To be exact, the penny-billboard only lasted for a mere 30 minutes!!!

Chevrolet's Les Turton commented:“There have been some great car adverts before, but none that has stopped traffic and actually put money back into the motorist’s pocket so this is certainly a first. We’re glad we’ve topped up lots of people’s wallets, purses and, in some cases, rucksacks, but it would have been nice for the billboard to last a little longer than 30 minutes.” This is really a good way to make the motorist look at the advertisements.

I personally feel that the brand recall for this AD will be the highest across it's category !!:)

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